Hope Sings Eternal
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All purchases include license for congregations to play recordings during worship, for education and to stream online.

A Capella Harmonies (Good Morning Melodies) - (video, audio, lyrics, sheet music)

  1. Honor the Dark - Balance, Gifts in uncertainty, Overcoming fear

  2. I Feel You - Compassion, Connection, Kindness, Listening

  3. Heart Wide Open - with choir and accompaniment - Perseverance, Commitment to Love

  4. Good Enough - Strength, Generosity, Self-Esteem

  5. Heart Wide Open - Perseverance, Commitment to Love

  6. Listening - Introspection, Wisdom, Guidance

  7. So Much - Gratitude, Blessing, Appreciation

  8. Wild & Precious - Commitment, Integrity, Beauty of life

  9. A Dedication - Commitment to peace, love, truth for all

  10. Look Inside - Self-Trust, Self-Awareness, Inner peace

  11. Great Gettin’ Up Mornin’ - A spiritual of hope, renewal and forward motion

  12. Four Spiritual Medley - Joshua Fought the Battle/How Long?/Motherless Child/I’m Gonna Sing

Song Videos (enhanced video production on originals)

  1. Ordinary Magic - Appreciation, Beauty, Wonder

  2. Bound - A Mother’s Song , connection, unconditional relationship

  3. Bring Me Back - Inner searching, personal development, “bring me back to myself.”

  4. Soon the Day Will Arrive - Singing the Living Tradition #146

  5. Come Come Whoever You Are - Singing the Living Tradition #188 (Lyrics video)

  6. Wake Now My Senses - Singing the Living Tradition #298 (Lyrics video)

  7. Morning Has Broken - Singing the Living Tradition #38 (Lyrics video)

Listening room (acoustic, unplugged originals)

  1. Bread Alone - Balance, Sharing, Process

  2. Another Sunny Day - renewal, Hope after tragedy in our “Great Big World”

  3. All There Is - love, inner searching, hope

  4. Among Stars - encouragement, upliftment, strength

  5. Our World is One World - Singing the Living Tradition #134

HYMNS, Covers & Collaborations (fee-free)

  1. Wake Up In America - diversity, equity, inclusion

  2. You’re Not Alone - solidarity, compassion, shared sorrow

  3. When I Rise - allowing, ebbs and flows of life, derived from Wendell Berry quote

  4. Drift Away - Doobie Brothers song, sung with dear friends Cletus & Michelle from a distance

  5. It Is Well

  6. A Little Help From My Friends

Kid’s Corner

  1. Listening - with motions and discussion for a mindful moment, commissioned by Soul Matters

  2. I Can Heal - with motions and discussion for a mindful moment, commissioned by Soul Matters

  3. Stillness - with motions and discussion for a mindful moment, commissioned by Soul Matters

  4. In My Imagination - with motions and discussion for a mindful moment, commissioned by Soul Matters

  5. Part of Me - with motions and discussion for a mindful moment, commissioned by Soul Matters

  6. Run With Me - a follow-the-instructions frolic with kids and families each from their own home

  7. Finger Dance



“Holy goodness, Lea Morris’ music is awesome and very easily useable, and sheet music/audio/video + permission to use/broadcast - all for $100/song is impressive.” - Rev. David Schwartz, Chicago, IL

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